If man the rational being can be kept under control by the law ruling Society, man the natural being, physically equipped as they are, cannot be inactivated, nature being stronger as everyone knows and the other sex of lifelong attraction. The law of society does achieve that the quest for Love must be carried out clandestinely. The human being, man and woman, is driven by his physical equipment against law and reason, forced by nature to react to each other and to seek satisfaction.
It would be a matter of reaching the highest possible degree of satisfaction, the point where the full potential of Love is revealed. This is the end of the quest, for all is now known. There are no grounds any more on which to carry on searching, the mystery being solved. Satisfied once and for all and never again. Love has come not to a provisional, but to its definite end.
The quest for Love7The Quest of Love, an age-old world theme, cf.Tristan legend, the Troubadours and others. Cf : Tristan et Iseult, Tristan & Isolt, Tristan und Isolde (fr,en, de) by Claude d’Esplas – Ubersetzung : Dagmar Coward Kuschke – adgparis.com by man is in reality the quest for man by Love.
It is Love which seeks out man, not the other way round.
While Love is the driving power, man is the object who is free to the extent that he can rationalize past experience, decide what he wants and what not and have another go.
What he gets in the end will be Love’s unknown doing beyond any volition.
Three films about love in Cannes in successive years, all French:
one about love between man and woman in old age,
one about love between two young women,
one about love between brother and sister : a true story of the seventeenth century, the protagonists officially beheaded for their crime, royal pardon being prevented by the Church.
French Ice-Dancers win world championships in Milan for the third time with the help of ‘synchronisation millimétrée tout en évoluant très près l’un de l’autre’ – ‘synchronization to the millimetre while moving in close togetherness’, a display of breath-taking harmony. What would Beethoven say to this interpretation of the Moonlight sonata?
The other day Mme El, looking me up and down in my light colourful summer wear which she obviously liked, said ‘your husband must be ‘fou’, ‘crazy about you’. Some people have a one-track mind.
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The Quest of Love, an age-old world theme, cf.Tristan legend, the Troubadours and others. Cf : Tristan et Iseult, Tristan & Isolt, Tristan und Isolde (fr,en, de) by Claude d’Esplas – Ubersetzung : Dagmar Coward Kuschke – adgparis.com