The other day I was reminded that conflict is anywhere in life as a matter of logic, in all relationships, even in friendship. I told Mme El who looked concerned. I had, however, noticed that she is quite capable of making snide remarks. She certainly speaks to me in a way she wouldn’t dare to her daughter-in-law: authoritarian, if not dictatorial, rough, bordering on rude. I take it in without taking any harm, knowing how it is meant. So she did look concerned when I told her that even in friendship…
And then she went a step too far. Against my express wishes she told Léonine that my mother was ‘morte’, dead. I heard this from Léonine herself who thought Mme El was imagining.
The surprise when she heard that it was true! And I hadn’t told her! I explained that I didn’t want to make a fuss about the event and that was it. No more was said.
But next day I called Mme El to task. She put on a robust defence with a determined face: she thought Léonine should know, and no, it wasn’t only my business, she had a right to say it, too!
Why did she do it, I wondered to myself? A wish to assert herself? Let Léonine know that for once she was better informed? A kind of triumph? At my expense!
I didn’t try to find out and Mme El grew grumpy, telling me harshly to stop brushing her hair, she had asked me to do it, and no doubt saw annoyance on my face. She was uncomfortable.
The nurse arrived and I took my leave, saying ‘A Dieu siatz5A Dieu siatz, Adieu, Ade, Que dieu vous garde… Cf. Mélanie de las Crabos ( fr, en,de) – Le Parcellaire by Claude d’Esplas Ubersetzung : Dagmar Coward Kushke – : ‘Que Dieu vous garde’. Mme El wished she could have said something, clear up something maybe, but circumstances were against it. So she could only nod acceptance. The week-end break, now. See her again on Monday.
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A Dieu siatz, Adieu, Ade, Que dieu vous garde… Cf. Mélanie de las Crabos ( fr, en,de) – Le Parcellaire by Claude d’Esplas Ubersetzung : Dagmar Coward Kushke –